You are set up on a commission basis which means you earn a % of the job for each home. But what happens if you are going over on your home for the week? This means your effective hourly wage will start to drop. To protect your pay we offer supplemental pay to help cover the difference and guarantee you $15 an hour!
Example: Ms. Smith’s home is 4 hours and your commission is $68.4 for the job. That is $17.1/ hour if you did the home on time. If you got out 20 minutes early you would be making $18.65/hour! But let’s say you take 5 hours, then your hourly would drop to $13.68. So we look at the entire week. So if you did have a longer house but the rest of your houses were early or on time you would be fine. But let’s say you went over all your homes and your weekly hourly rate says $13.68/hour. Then Naturalcare steps in with a supplemental $1.32/hour bump to get you to your guaranteed wage! We will also follow up with you to help improve your time and get more efficient (not fast) at your cleaning. All homes have been quoted with a cushion so if you follow the flow, maintain, and have all your equipment on hand you should be getting out of your houses early or on time for the most part.
What this does is protect your weekly hourly rate. What it does not do is protect your hourly rate for each home. There is no way for us to check each individual home. But we can check your weekly payroll to make sure, on average, you are hitting the pay you’re expecting.