When in and around a client’s home, we know they are listening or can have cameras. So we don’t talk negatively or positively about clients’ homes and belongings.
Example: Don’t openly complain about things like how messy the home is, the dirt level, or decorating choices!! On the other hand, don’t point out stuff like expensive items, the home, or cars. That is none of our business.
You want to remain neutral in opinions and just supportive. You can always complement clients on their homes, pets, or the new sofa.
If we damage something, we let them know right away. Clients appreciate honesty. Remember that you do not get in trouble for damages, and it is always better to inform them immediately. If they are not home, leave a note and follow our breakage procedure.
Never leave a client’s home without letting them know. It is weird for a client to think you are still there when you have left. So always let them know or leave a note if they are on the phone in a meeting.
“We communicate honestly and with respect”
Naturalcare Core Value