Clarity of goals and objectives is essential for success. It allows the team to focus on what’s important, which increases their effectiveness and helps them make progress. Teams don’t necessarily expect the leader to know the exact route, but they do expect them to be able to clearly define the destination.
Leaders are responsible for the development of the people they lead, and the best way to facilitate that is to give them challenging opportunities that allow them to grow.
Teams don’t just want to be there to carry out instructions; they want to be able to have some input, some involvement in creating the plans. That doesn’t mean that, as the leader, you should defer to your team, but listening to their suggestions does help increase their engagement and commitment.
Keep Commitments
Trust is a key component of leadership, and nothing builds trust faster than keeping the commitments you make. Leaders who fail to keep their commitments quickly lose any loyalty and support that their team was willing to offer.
Consistency is expected two-fold: On the one hand, people expect everyone to be treated the same (i.e., no favoritism), and secondly, they expect consistent behavior, that what they did well yesterday will still be perceived as a good job today. Leaders who are inconsistent in how they treat and react to their teams create nervousness and stress, which never aids performance.
It never ceases to amaze me how many leaders bemoan the lack of respect that they receive, yet fail to respect their teams.
It costs nothing to respect our teams, and the payback can be immense. The simplest way to show your respect is to listen to your team, ask them what they think, or ask for their input.
I know that at times you cannot tell certain things to your teams, but that doesn’t mean you have to lie. When you lie, it kills trust and respect and will make them doubt you going forward. Teams understand that at times you cannot say anything. One of my best bosses would always just say, “I’m sorry, but I am not allowed to answer that.” While I didn’t like that answer, at least I respected it, whereas a lie would have cost him that.
Maintaining an ethical business is impossible without ethical leaders. By exhibiting a high level of integrity, employees in leadership positions will demonstrate to other workers their expectations. The manner in which a leader handles challenging situations or conflicts is one example of an opportunity for modeling strong integrity. By dealing with a conflict directly and in a transparent manner, leaders prove themselves to be honest, forthright managers.
Optimism, Positive, knowledge & fun
Where others might think a project or task is too difficult, leaders face those challenges with energy and positivity. Positivity is contagious, so be sure to focus on your attitude and understand you set the tone for your business and the people around you.This also includes talking bad or down about other employees and our clients
Praise is one of our most basic human needs, and when people do a good job, they expect to receive that from their boss. It doesn’t need to be over the top; it can often just be a simple “thank you” or “good job, well done.” Praise is one of a leader’s most powerful tools, yet too many use it too sparingly.
Timely, Constructive Feedback
We all make mistakes, but criticism rarely helps to fix them. What teams want is timely, constructive feedback. If the result is not what you expect, then let them know, but do it in a way that allows them to learn and improve, so that they will know how to avoid the mistake next time.
Stand Up for the Team
Too many leaders just throw their teams under the bus when things go wrong. But as the leader, when things go wrong you’re still part of it, you can’t just disassociate yourself from the failure. That doesn’t mean you need to put your hands up and say, “My fault,” but you should look to defend your team and protect them from criticism. Leaders who do that will find that their teams will stand by them when things are not going well, but when they don’t, their teams will leave them to struggle.
We expect:
- Trainer start time is 7:30
- This will give time to prepare daily paper work, review trainee’s binder and day
- Little to zero tardies
- Little to zero unexcused absents
- Fully in dress code each day (polo shirts not tshirts)
- Follows Naturalcare procedures
- Good work and personal presentation
- Positive Attitude
- Knowing how to stay claim in all situations
- Engaged w/ trainee
- Let trainee sit in front
- Ask them questions and get to know them
- Make sure the trainee feels they are the most important person in the room
- Motivate and be a coach
- Mandatory to participate in all NCCS actives/contest
- Zero complaining about schedules, jobs, clients, time getting off etc…
- Leading by example- Not trying to cut corners or cut around NCCS policies
- Never let the employee know you are flustered if they are having any time or quality issues
- Always be a Naturalcare cheerleader
- Solve their problems- if they are complaining or have a problem SOLVE it or take them to someone who can solve it. “I am not sure of the answer- but let’s find out”
Three Strike system:
Each trainee will be put on a 3-strike system for: tardies, unexcused absents, Red or lost clients, missing or incomplete work, week 1 recovery program and week 1 recovery program