Leaving Homes Early

If you find that you are about to get out of a home earlier than you were supposed to, always:
Do a second quality check!
Go back through the home and take a look at everything one more time.
A second look never hurts. *(Try and look at the house as if you were the client coming home to see how we did. Every little smudge adds up, so let’s make a good impression!)
Walk through the house with your flat mop and a clean microfiber to see if you pick up any additional debris. (It never hurts to make sure that the floors are perfect!)
Review the work order and make sure all things are completed.
Naturalcare’s policy is you may leave 10 minutes early per hour.
If you are sure the home is perfect, and you are still set to get out early, you MUST call the office for approval.
We will not charge (or pay) on time that is not being used.
If you leave home early without calling for support, you risk incurring consequences at the office’s discretion.We consider this theft of time.
We are open with clients on how much they are getting charged and for how much time.
What Is Time Theft? Time theft occurs when an employee is paid for work they have not actually done, or for time they were not actually at work.