Client Communication… Never Evers

Never, ever act annoyed or unfriendly when talking to clients. Be especially aware of how you are acting if the clients ask you to fix something.
▪ Never, ever ask for 4’s/Golds in the leave behind notes. Keep them friendly and helpful and the 4’s/GOLDS will come.
▪ Never, ever leave without letting the client know if they are home.
▪ Never, ever use cuss words inside or outside the client’s home. Keep the conversations brief and polite. Always
▪ Never, ever talk to the client about personal things including, other people’s homes, your romantic life, your supervisor, and your schedule for the day.
▪ Never, ever pre-write all your notes before you arrive at the home. The notes need to be personal and neat for that client.
▪ Never, ever ask the client to do something you can do for them. For example: don’t tell them to call the office if they ask you something you don’t know the answer to or you don’t have the authority to do for them. Tell them you will call the office, and then take care of it for them.