Bathroom Training- Never evers


  • Never ever leave barkeeper’s friend on surfaces for more than 1 minute. It can discolor the surfaces.
  • Never ever use anything other than hot water on countertops, especially granite
  • Never ever use orange oil on plastic or stainless steel. It is ONLY for soap scum in tubs or sinks.
  • Never ever put items from the vanity on the floor. You can easily knock something over that way. Either move the items in sections or put them gently in the sink.
  • Never use vinegar on stone (or anything else other than glass or mirrors)
  • Never put a vinegar bottle on the counter. A bottle can cause a ring stain on stone!
  • Never stand on the countertops or toilets.
  • Never ever put a step stool in the shower to reach the top. Use your floor mop to get out of reach shower tops.
  • Never ever take any garbage off the property. If you cannot find the client’s trash large can, ask the client or call the office. Trash removed from the client’s home could be considered theft.